The Cyber Security Experts of Nigeria (CSEAN) an advocacy group on all matters and challenges faced by informant security in Nigeria has released a report on it’s 2023 National forecast .
The report which was authored by Oluwafemi Osho, John Odumesi Hamzat Lateef and Hassanat Abdulraheem. According to the report, cybersecurity professionals in Nigeria where consulted and date were collected and analyzed reports and trends to present this forecast. According to CSEAN, Several factors contributed to the predicted threats, including;
- The upcoming 2023 general elections
- The economic situation in the country
- Lack of transparency in reporting security breaches
- Lack of coordination among organisations
- Inadequate and inconsistent responses to cyber threats by government and regulatory bodies
- Outdated government computing resources
- Lack of incident response plans in many organisations
- Shortage and an increase in the emigration of cybersecurity
professionals. - Frequent strikes in higher education institution
CSEAN has provided the cyber threat forecasts for 2023 to help you develop your cybersecurity resilience strategy, objectives, and roadmap for the coming year. We must understand that knowledge is an important component of any cyber security program, and we hope that the insights presented in this report will assist individuals, organisations, and the government in preparing for attacks and other cyber trends that may affect them in 2023. John Odumesi , Director of Research and Development.
You can get a copy of the report on CSEAN’s Website.